See City road and other maintenance works that may affect traffic conditions near you.
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What a plumber needs to do to be able to carry out sanitary plumbing and drainage work.
Specifications that all Sewer Service Diagrams (SSDs) need to meet.
We must inspect work to ensure that it meets the relevant standards and approval.
The requirements for installing and managing OSSMs and City of Coffs Harbour's role in monitoring their ongoing performance.
Careful consideration is needed at the commencement of the job to comply with finished height requirements.
City of Coffs Harbour regulates plumbing and drainage works and has a role in maintaining water and sewage infrastructure.
All new water meter services require the completion of a Water Service Application.
What is backflow and what you need to do to prevent it including registering your Backflow Prevention Device (BPD)
See also...
Water and sewer services
Sports field closure arrangements