See City road and other maintenance works that may affect traffic conditions near you.
Nominate a local legend, group or volunteer for a 2025 Coffs Harbour Australia Day Award by Sunday 5 January 2025.
See when our services will be open over the Summer holiday period.
The City's local infrastructure contribution system is made up of S7.11 contribution plans, development servicing plans, works in kind and voluntary planning agreements. For more information about these please use the links below.
S7.11 and S7.12 contributions and servicing plans outline the City's policy for the assessment, collection, spending and administration of contributions (monies), which are used to fund necessary public amenities and services required as a result of new development.
​Voluntary planning agreements (VPA) are legal agreements made in connection with a planning proposal or development applications.
A s7.11 condition of consent may be satisfied through a Works In Kind agreement between the developer and the City.
Sports field closure arrangements