If your land has been mapped as Predictive assess the works proposed in your development application against the development risk matrix below to determine the level of ground disturbance involved. The risk matrix will guide you in evaluating the potential impact and required next steps based on the scope of the proposed works.
Development-Risk-Matrix_2.pdf(PDF, 187KB)

Risk determination: Low risk
If the self-assessment against the risk matrix reveals that the proposed development is classified as ‘low risk,’ you can use the below document and include it with your Development Application (DA). No further assessment will be required at this stage.
Predictive’ ACH assessed as ‘Low Risk’ against the Risk Matrix
Risk determination: Medium/high risk
If the self-assessment against the risk matrix reveals that the proposed development is a ‘medium/high risk’, you will need to email the Coffs Harbour and District Local Aboriginal Land Council with the following details:
- Your contact information
- The location of the development proposal
- All search results (AHIMS & Additional Heritage Databases)
- A screenshot of the ACH map as it applies to your property
- A broad description of the development proposal
- Copies of the Development Application (DA) plans, including the site plan and works plan
Please ensure all the required information is included in your email for a smooth review process.
Contact Information for Coffs Harbour & District Local Aboriginal Land Council:
Wongala Estate, Crn Pacific Highway and Arthur Street, Coffs Harbour NSW 2450
Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm
02 6652 8740
Coffs Harbour and District LALC
Land Council determination:
The Land Council will reply with correspondence indicating whether further investigation is or is not required for your development proposal.