Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment

The Coffs Harbour Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Management Plan was adopted by the Council of the City of Coffs Harbour on 8 August 2024.

The City has prepared the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Management Plan to introduce processes for the assessment of planning proposals, development applications and activity assessments as required under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. 

The City of Coffs Harbour has a statutory obligation to conserve Aboriginal objects and Aboriginal places of heritage significance by considering the effect of proposed developments, and to consult with local Aboriginal communities.

The Management Plan is supported by an online Aboriginal cultural heritage map which identifies known and predictive Aboriginal cultural heritage (refer to FAQs for further information on the cultural mapping). The Management Plan can be viewed here:

Coffs Harbour Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Management Plan

Read the steps below to see what specific steps are needed for your development.

Step 1

Does your development require an assessment?

If your development involves minimal or no ground disturbance, you may not be required to undertake an Aboriginal cultural heritage assessment. The types of development that may qualify for an exemption include: 

  • Strata subdivision: Applies to existing buildings without ground disturbance.
  • Continuing/change of use: Using an existing premises with no added site coverage or excavation.
  • Minor landscaping and structures: Includes small-scale landscaping, paving without excavation, retaining walls, and fencing with negligible excavation.
  • Internal renovations and additions: Covers internal renovations or second-storey additions that do not extend site coverage or require ground disturbance.
  • Home-based businesses: Home businesses or industries that do not require additional site coverage or excavation.
  • Building signage: Installation of signage on existing buildings.
  • Non-intrusive demolition: Demolition activities where no new ground disturbance is involved.
  • Aboveground pools and spas: Installation of aboveground swimming pools or spas.
  • Carports, sheds, and ancillary buildings: Only if built on existing hardstand areas without excavation.
  • Development application modifications: Changes that do not require additional excavation or ground disturbance.

These types of development may qualify for an exemption from undertaking an Aboriginal cultural heritage assessment provided they meet the criteria and involve minimal or no ground disturbance.

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

What to do with your search results?

If any Aboriginal cultural heritage (ACH) sites are revealed by the searches, follow the steps below.


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