See City road and other maintenance works that may affect traffic conditions near you.
Nominate a local legend, group or volunteer for a 2025 Coffs Harbour Australia Day Award by Sunday 5 January 2025.
See when our services will be open over the Summer holiday period.
The Local Strategic Planning Statement ('the Statement') provides a 20-year land use planning vision for the Coffs Harbour Local Government Area (LGA). It identifies 16 Planning Priorities to be delivered in four themes to 2040.
City of Coffs Harbour adopted the Statement on 25 June 2020 for the whole of the Coffs Harbour LGA. The Statement was prepared in accordance with the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and Regulations.
Now it is adopted, this Statement will inform several of our processes and procedures, including:
The Local Strategic Planning Statement is underpinned by the four key themes of the MyCoffs Community Strategic Plan, being:
Sports field closure arrangements