Cooling towers and warm water systems

The Public Health Act 2010 requires councils to regulate premises with systems which have the potential to transmit Legionnaires disease. This includes water cooling towers commonly used for air-conditioning or industrial cooling processes (e.g. ice making), and warm water systems such as thermostatic mixing valves and recirculating warm water systems used in hospitals and nursing homes. 

Cooling towers

Step 1.Notify us of new installations or changes to existing towers

You must notify us within 1 month of:

  • New installations
  • Change of Occupier for installed systems

You must notify us within 7 days of:

  • A change to the cooling water system, such as the replacement or addition of a cooling tower, change in emergency contact details, change in water treatment provider or maintenance company.
  • A decommissioned cooling water system

Notify us using the online form below.

Notification of Cooling Towers and Warm Water Systems

Step 2.Display ID number on cooling tower 

We will issue a unique identification number (UNI) for each cooling tower we are notified about. All cooling towers must have their UNI displayed.

The UNI must be displayed on a sign attached to the cooling tower. Each sign must be:

  • at least A5 size
  • clearly visible to a person examining or inspecting the cooling tower
  • made of durable material

Step 3.Submit certificate of completion for a Risk Management Plan 

The Occupier must arrange for a Risk Management Plan (RMP) to be developed at least every five years, and more frequently for higher risk systems.

The RMP considers the risk of Legionella growth and transmission from a cooling water system, and identifies actions and control strategies to reduce the risk.

The certificate of completion for the RMP must be submitted to us within 7 days of receiving it. 

For information about who can carry out risk assessments see the NSW Health web page on Legionella control in cooling water systems - Competent person

Step 4.Notify us of monthly Legionella test results      

The system must be sampled for Legionella and heterotrophic colony count every month.

It is the responsibility of the Occupier to notify us within 24 hours of receiving a reportable test result (Legionella count ≥1,000 cfu/mL or heterotrophic colony count ≥5,000,000 cfu/mL).

Please advise us of reportable test results by emailing

For more information on reportable test results refer to the NSW Health Guidelines – Legionella Control in Cooling

Step 5.Submit certificate of completion of annual audit of Risk Management Plan

The cooling tower system and RMP must be independently audited every 12 months. The independent auditor will provide a certificate of audit completion to the occupier.

The certificate of audit completion must be submitted to Council within 7 days of receiving it. 

For information about who can carry out audits see the NSW Health web page on Legionella control in cooling water systems - Independent auditor

Step 6.Maintain Documentation on Premises

 You must ensure the following documents are maintained on site:

  • The current RMP and certificate of RMP completion
  • Audit reports and certificates of audit completion for the past 5 years
  • Monthly reports documenting the results of monthly inspection, maintenance including servicing, chemical analysis, and microbial testing for the past 5 years
  • The operating and maintenance manuals for the system
  • All records of the maintenance and service of the system

More information about managing a cooling tower

NSW Health - Legionella Control

NSW Guidelines for Legionella Control in Cooling Water Systems



Warm water systems