Liquid Trade Waste

The Local Government (General) Regulation 2021 defines 'liquid trade waste' as 'all liquid waste other than sewage of a domestic nature'.

All business activities generating liquid trade waste must have current City of Coffs Harbour approval and maintain the appropriate equipment necessary to treat any liquid waste before it enters our sewerage system. We generally grant approval for a period of 5 years at which point you must reapply.

City of Coffs Harbour regulates liquid trade waste discharges in order to:

  • Protect the health and safety of our staff, the public, and the environment
  • Protect wastewater system infrastructure, assets, and sewerage treatment processes to protect the effluent and biosolid quality for facilitation of recycling
  • Reduce maintenance costs and odour complaints

This includes liquid waste generated from:

  • Industrial premises
  • Businesses and commercial premises such as hotels, motels, restaurants, takeaway stores, butchers, service stations, mechanical workshops, vehicle wash facilities, supermarkets, dentists
  • Community and public premises such as pools, schools, colleges, education facilities, hospitals and nursing homes
  • Septic tank waste, marine pump-out facilities and established sites for the discharge of chemical toilet or pan contents from mobile homes, caravans or portaloos

If your business falls into one of these categories, you will be required to pre-treat your liquid trade waste prior to discharging into our sewerage system.

If you are lodging a development application (DA), you will need to meet trade waste conditions to get a construction certificate. We encourage you to call a trade waste officer to discuss the requirements before lodging your DA. Purchasing or starting a new business without a DA, you must seek approval by completing an application form.

Before starting your application, please read the City's Liquid Trade Waste Policy and Liquid Trade Waste Procedure.

Why I Need Approval and Associated Charging

Business activities can produce large amounts of solids, oil, grease, and other substances which if discharged directly into the sewerage system can overload the system or cause blockages.

City of Coffs Harbour must regulate the discharge of liquid trade waste in order to:

  • Protect the health and safety of our staff, the public, and the environment
  • Protect wastewater system infrastructure, assets, and sewerage treatment processes to protect the effluent and biosolid quality for facilitation of recycling
  • Reduce maintenance costs and odour complaints

Approval to discharge liquid trade waste into Council's sewerage system is a requirement under Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993. Failure to obtain approval or failure to comply with the conditions of an approval, may lead to prosecution under Section 626 and 627 of the Local Government Act 1993. 

To obtain approval, customers must submit the relevant application based on the business activity which may include providing information such as a site plan and/or drainage diagram.

Best practice pricing is implemented to ensure dischargers bare a fare share of the cost of providing sewerage services and to facilitate appropriate pre-treatment waste minimisation and water conservation.

Liquid trade waste fees and charges are in addition to non-residential sewer usage charges and are issued on the land owners quarterly water account. They include:

  • Annual service charge to help recover costs incurred by council for ongoing administration and scheduled inspections, and to ensure that the discharge complies with the approval conditions.
  • Usage charge is a price per kilolitre applied to the volume of wastewater discharged to the sewerage system. The discharge amount is based on a percentage of the amount of incoming water. The usage charge will depend on the charging category and the business activity.



Liquid Trade Waste Application Form

Pre-treatment Equipment

Helpful Information