Water carters

Water carters need to apply for approval to access the City of Coffs Harbour's automated water filling stations. Approval must be renewed annually.


Apply to access filling stations

Step 1.Gather documents

Public liability insurance

All water carters must hold a Public Liability Insurance Policy which provides a minimum cover of $20 million per occurrence, claim or event noting City of Coffs Harbour as an interested party on the policy. 

Drinking Water Quality Assurance Program

Carters of water for human consumption need to have a Quality Assurance Plan. 

Go to the NSW Health website to find:

A copy of the completed quality assurance plan/program must be provided to the Port Macquarie Public Health Unit.

If you only carry water for dust suppression or other non-human consumption you don't need a Quality Assurance Plan/Program.

Step 2.Apply for approval

You can apply for approval or renewal of an existing approval using the online form below.

Water Carters Request for Approval

You will need to agree to the Terms and Conditions for Water Carters(PDF, 381KB) and pay the fees. See our fees and charges

Step 3.Inspection of drinking water tanks

An inspection of tanks and fittings is required if supplying potable water for human consumption to confirm:

  • Compliance with the Quality Assurance Plan/Program
  • Suitability and maintenance of tank and fittings  
  • Up-to-date records maintained in accordance with the Public Health Act 2010, Public Health Regulation 2022 and Water Carter Guidelines that includes details of supply, deliveries and cleaning.

You will need to rectify any issues identified during the inspection before an approval can be granted.

We will contact individual water carters when an inspection is required.

Step 4.What happens next?

We will send you written confirmation of your approval to access our reticulated water supply.

You will need to renew this approval annually.

If your vehicle or personal details change, you need to re-apply for approval (using the same form).

Water carters that are not approved for potable water delivery will be required to register as a pre-paid water carter. 

Conditions of operation

You must at all times operate in accordance with the Terms & Conditions of the approval.

If you are supplying water for human consumption you must adhere to your Quality Assurance Plan/Program (QAP) and ensure that all practicable steps are taken to maintain the safety of your drinking water supply.

Any changes to your QAP will need to be updated and a copy provided to the Port Macquarie Public Health Unit.

Using filling stations