Tenders, quotations and expressions of interest
Our Procurement Policy sets out our purchasing principles, objectives and methodologies.
The standards of behaviour for our staff and suppliers in procurement are set down in our Code of Conduct and Statement of Business Ethics.
Depending on the value of goods, works or services, we are required to use different methods of procurement to ensure legislative compliance.
All prices on this page are GST inclusive, unless noted otherwise.
Quotations will be sought when there is no existing contract in place and they can be invited from a single supplier, multiple suppliers or from the public as a whole based on the following minimum requirements (inc. GST):
- Up to $5,000: quotations not required
- $5,001 to $10k: two(2) invited written quotations, unless a preferred supplier and on Council's Register then no quotes required to be obtained
- $10,001 to $100k: minimum of three (3) invited written quotations.
- $100,001 to $249,999: Three (3) documented written quotations or a formal request for Quotation (RFQ) process, at the directorates discretion which can be private invite or publicly advertised to the open market.
Public tenders will be invited for purchases over $250k unless exempt from tendering under Section 55 of the NSW Local Government Act 1993 Ammendment of Local Government Act 1993 No 30 - Schedule 1. We will do so in accordance with the NSW Local Government (General) Regulation 2021, Part 7.
Tenders may either be open to the public or only invited from a select number of applicants following a public request for Expressions Of Interest (EOI).
We may also access the goods and services of successful tenderers through collaborative arrangements with tendering agents like State Government Contracts (NSW Procurepoint), Local Government Procurement (LGP), Regional Procurement or Procurement Australia.
To find information on our current tenders and public quotations please visit TenderLink e-tendering portal.
TenderLink speeds up the tendering cycle and reduces the costs of tendering for you and for Council. Once you become a registered supplier (register below) you will be able to:
- receive an email notification of any new tenders we publish
- download and view documentation electronically
- participate in Forums to seek clarification or ask questions
- lodge your Tenders with Council electronically
Forum Q&A will be emailed to all organisations who have downloaded tender documents.
Hardcopy tender documents are also available by contacting the Contact Officer mentioned in the advertisement, but are not preferred in the interests of sustainability. A fee may be applicable. Hardcopies are available for pick up at our Customer Service Centre.
Find more information on how to submit a tender
Offers will be evaluated on a number of criteria outlined in the tender documentation in order to determine which offer, having regard to all the circumstances, appears to be the most advantageous. Your response to these criteria will be evaluated in accordance with our Procurement Policy, so in order to support your offer fully, please complete all returnable Schedules and provide the information in the format requested before the closing date and time.
If you are successful with your tender you will be advised via a Letter of Acceptance which formally creates the contract. You will be required to supply various documentation before works can start such as; accreditation with BNG Conserve, safety, environmental and traffic management plans, and contract Security.
If you are successful with your quotation you will be advised via a Purchase Order with a reference number at which time you can commence the supply of goods, works or services to Council.
Go to "Closed and awarded tenders."
Tender Closed on 28 September 2022 (pending award)
Submissions received from:
Bigginbilla Contractors Pty Ltd
Connex Management & Construction Pty Ltd
Creative Recreation Solutions Pty Ltd
JNC Group Australia Pty Ltd
Moduplay Group
Visit our TenderLink portal