Positive ageing

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Our city is home to 15,373 people over the age of 65, as recorded in our last census of 2016. This means the proportion of the Coffs Harbour region aged 65 years and older is 22.1%, which is greater than the proportion for New South Wales (16.2%).

We are committed to supporting the active participation of older people within our community on issues relevant to policies, programs, events, facilities and services that impact on the quality of life of older residents living in the Coffs Harbour region.

A Positive Ageing Strategy has been developed to guide best practise on building an age friendly community.

The Australian Government's My Aged Care can give you information and access to aged care services. Did you know people over 65 need to register with My Aged Care to access support services?

There are many different services that may support you to stay in your home. Use the Help at Home finder to search for services in our City.

Home Care Package provides a coordinated package of services tailored to meet your specific care needs. You will need to arrange an assessment by contacting My Aged Care to receive help at home.

Aged care homes can provide accommodation for you when staying in your own home is no longer the best option. You can search for organisations that provide this accommodation in your area using the aged care home finder.

For more information, contact My Aged Care on 1800 200 422.

Seniors Festival

NSW Seniors Festival is a week-long celebration in March of each year, and is the largest festival for seniors in the southern hemisphere. Check out how you can get involved and find out what's happening on the Coffs Coast during the festival.