Public toilets


Public toilets and changerooms

Find the locations of public toilets (and their facilities) across Australia.

National Public Toilet map 

Accessible toilets 

People with a disability can access toilets with a Master Locksmith Association Key (MLAK) 24 hours a day. Eligibility is restricted to people with written authority from one of the following:

  • a doctor
  • a disability organisation
  • a local council or community health centre
  • the owner or manager with an accessible toilet on site.

Keys for this service can be purchased at a cost from Coffs Harbour City Locksmith: 02) 6651 1336 

You can find MLAK locations on the National Public Toilet Map by entering a location, address or postcode into the search and clicking on the MLAK Key symbol. The results will show toilets fitted with a MLAK key.

Accessible changerooms

Changing places are public toilets with full sized change tables and hoists to meet the needs of people with severe and profound disabilities.

There are currently 3 changing places in Coffs Harbour:

  • Coffs Harbour War Memorial Swimming Pool - Cnr Coff and Gordon Streets, Coffs Harbour (for users of the pool)
  • Castle Street Carpark Public Amenities - Castle Street, Coffs Harbour (MLAK Key Required)
  • Amenities at Jetty Beach (MLAK Key Required)
  • Woolgoolga Beach - Beach Street, Woolgoolga (MLAK Key Required)

Please see our online map and select Accessibility and Mobility in lefthand panel for further information about accessibility.