See City road and other maintenance works that may affect traffic conditions near you.
Where to report concerns about the environment such as pollution, wildlife concerns, vegetation clearing, uncontrolled burning, spraying, run-off etc.
This page is to hold Part 5 Review of Environmental Factor Reports.
The Northern Rivers Aquatic Ecosystem Health Monitoring Program (Ecohealth) is a catchment-based estuarine and freshwater monitoring and reporting program being trialled by City of Coffs Harbour.
Results of a study of 23 private water tanks looking for pesticide pollution in the Coffs region between 2017 and 2019.
Environmental Monitoring Data for the Englands Road Landfill in Coffs Harbour.
Studies into the impact that intensive plant agriculture, such as blueberries, is having on our waterways.
Information about ongoing management and monitoring of contaminated groundwater first detected in 2012. The remediation site is subject to an ongoing maintenance order.
Sports field closure arrangements