Landfill monitoring data

Environmental Monitoring Data Englands Road Landfill

Englands Road Landfill Monitoring Data 2024 - Current(PDF, 288KB) 

Englands Road Landfill monitoring data(PDF, 570KB)

Map of Monitoring Points(PDF, 470KB)

Pollution Incident Response Management Plan 

In 2011, amendments to the Act were introduced that require holders of Environment Protection Licences to prepare a Pollution Incident Response Management Plan (PIRMP).

(PDF, 804KB)Englands Road Waste Management Facility Pollution Incident Response Management Plan(PDF, 804KB)

Our responsibilities

City of Coffs Harbour holds an Environment Protection Licence issued by the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) under the Protection of the Environment Act 1997, for the Englands Rd landfill. 

Environment Protection Licence holders must publish monitoring data collected from 31 March 2012 onwards.

Licensee's name:  City of Coffs Harbour

Environment protection licence number: 6267

Licencee’s address:

City of Coffs Harbour
Locked Bag 155
Coffs Harbour NSW 2450

Complaints: contact us on 02 6648 4000

You can find our licence by searching by our Licence Number (6267) on the Office of Environment and Heritage website