Trees on public reserves

City of Coffs Harbour is responsible for trees growing on nature reserves and in parks, reserves and open spaces.

We will not undertake works on trees:

  • where property damage is due to a pre-existing tree or tree roots
  • to advantage views, or remove shading from solar electricity or heating 
  • on non-Council controlled lands (Crown Land) without the approval of the controlling Land Manager
  • on private property unless the property owner engages us on a service for fee basis.

Dangerous and fallen trees

Dangerous trees

You can report a dangerous tree on Council land or a Crown Reserve under City of Coffs Harbour management by emailing us at

Please be sure to include as much information as possible including the location and photos of the dangerous tree.

Our officers will investigate the report, reply back to you and prioritise works as required.

If the tree is on private property we cannot undertake tree works.

Fallen trees

You can report a fallen tree on Council land or Crown Reserve under City of Coffs Harbour management by emailing us at

We will assess trees that have fallen from within Council land into private property. Where reasonable we will remove them following consultation with the property owner.

Please be sure to include as much information as possible including the location and photos of the fallen tree.

We will need to know:

  • Has the tree fallen over completely?
  • Has the tree fallen over due to storm or high wind?
  • Is it blocking the road or footpath, or blocking access to your property?
  • How large is the tree? 

Root issues


Development impacting public trees

Planting on council land