Emergency and disaster information

Emergencies can arise unexpectedly, so it's vital to know who to contact and how to stay informed before, during, and after an incident. Being prepared, knowing where to seek help, and staying updated are crucial during emergencies.


Resources - Before, During and After an emergency

Response agencies vary by emergency type. We’ve provided resources for each phase Before an emergency, During an emergency and After an emergency, please click the link below. City of Coffs Harbour is not a lead Combat Agency in a disaster or emergency event, as a member of the Local Emergency Management Committee (LEMC) we work to:

  • Advise of any interruptions to the services we provide, including the status of roads and bridges, water and waste services and more
  • Restore any services which impact on the welfare and safety of our community in a timely manner
  • Support emergency lead agencies and/or combat agencies in assisting our community.

Emergencies or declared disaster events are controlled by either a Combat Agency or an Emergency Operations Controller (if requested by a Combat Agency or a Combat Agency is not specified). The Combat Agency will vary, depending on the type of emergency.

The following is a summary of potential types of emergencies which may affect our community and the identified lead Combat Agency.

    Type of Emergency Combat Agency
    Major Transportation Incident NSW Police Service


    Animal, plant disease, rodent or insect plague Department of Primary Industries

    In a rural fire district: NSW Rural Fire Service

    In an urban fire district: Fire and Rescue NSW

    Flood, Severe Storm, Tsunami NSW State Emergency Service
    Pandemic NSW Health


    Hazardous Materials (Hazmat) Fire and Rescue NSW