Burning controls

Burning of vegetation is only permitted in rural landscape (RU2) and large lot residential (R5) zones subject to requirements of the Rural Fires Act 1997 and Rural Fires Regulations 2013.

All other zonings will require approval from City of Coffs Harbour. 

Use Council's Online Mapping Tool to check your land zoning.

Approvals for residential areas will generally not be permitted due to potential impacts to the amenity of adjoining properties, and the availability of other green waste disposable options.

However, burning may be permitted in some circumstance with consideration of the following:

  • impact on regional and local air quality and amenity
  • feasibility of re-use, recycling or other alternative means of disposal
  • any opinions of the public who are likely to be affected by the proposal

Penalty Infringement Notices can be issued to individuals ($500) and/or corporations ($1000) who burn vegetation or burn in the open without approval.

Apply for approval to burn

Step 1.Gather documents

Provide a diagram (hand drawn or otherwise) identifying the following:

  • location of proposed burning, and
  • location of neighbouring properties, and
  • distance from all site boundaries.

Step 2.Apply to your fire service provider for permits

If you live in NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS) district, during Bush Fire Danger Period (generally from September to March) you are required to obtain a permit from the RFS.

If you live in Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) district you are required to obtain a permit from FRNSW at all times of the year.

Step 3.Apply to City of Coffs Harbour

You must apply 14 days prior to the planned burn. You can apply using our online form below.

Burning in residential area application form

Step 4.Approval

We will review the submission taking the following matters into consideration:

  • Impact on regional and local air quality and amenity
  • Feasibility of re-use, recycling or other alternative means of disposal
  • Any opinions of the public who are likely to be affected by the proposal

If approved, we will provide written confirmation to the applicant. 

Exemptions from approval