Bins and rubbish

For information on all your waste needs, visit the Coffs Coast Waste Services website. There, you’ll find details on:

  • Locations of our waste service centers
  • Bin collection days
  • What items can and cannot be placed in your bins
  • Bulky goods collection
  • Commercial waste disposal

Coffs Coast Waste Services manages household waste collection in the Coffs Harbour, Bellingen, and Nambucca Local Government Areas.

For updates on bin services and waste transfer stations, follow Coffs Coast Waste on Facebook

If you see illegal or dangerous dumping of rubbish please report illegal dumping.


Which Bin Should I Use?

To find out which items go in each bin, check out the Coffs Coast Waste Services website.

When do I put my bins out?

Visit the Coffs Coast Waste website to find out:  

When your bins will be collected

You can also download the MyBins app from the app store or google play

Missed bin

To report a bin that has not been collected by Coffs Coast Waste Services you can: 

Submit a missed bin form

Broken bin

To report a broken or damaged bin to Coffs Coast Waste Services you can: 

Submit a damaged bin form

Stolen bin

To report a lost or stolen bin to Coffs Coast Waste Services you can:  

Download a lost/stolen bin form

Call: 1800 265 495 

New waste service

To request a new waste service for an existing building, submit the form below. You do not need to fill out the form for newly constructed buildings - City of Coffs Harbour will organise your waste service in response to the issuing of an occupation certificate.

Additional bin or upgrade recycling bin

If you would like to request an extra bin or upgrade to a 360 litre recycling bin, submit the form below.

Additional bin or upgrade recycling bin form

Help putting your bins out

If you are unable to take your bins out you can apply for the wheel in wheel out service. Download and fill in the statutory declaration below, have it witnessed by a JP and signed by your medical practitioner and submit it to the City of Coffs Harbour. 

Wheel In / Wheel Out Waste Service Online Form

Call us for more information on: 02) 6648 4000 


Waste and Recycling Facilities

Bulky waste

Green waste

Toxic waste