The National Cartoon Gallery report will be discussed at a Committee meeting on Tuesday, 18 March at 5pm in the River Oak Room at Yarrila Place. The meeting is open to the public and will be live-streamed.
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Published on 04 November 2024
City of Coffs Harbour’s Mayor and Deputy Mayor have been appointed to an independent body which assesses big ticket development proposals.
At the first meeting of the new Council, a raft of appointments was made to various standalone committees, and to the Northern Regional Planning Panel.
Regional planning panels were established by the Department of Planning and Environment in 2009, and they are charged with examining regionally significant projects worth generally over $30 million.
The panel comprises five members: Three appointments by the Minister and two by the relevant local Council.
Mayor Nikki Williams and Deputy Mayor George Cecato are the City’s appointments, while Crs Cath Fowler, Les Oxford, Julie Sechi and Jonathan Cassell have been put forward as ‘alternates’ as it’s best practice to regularly rotate panel members to reduce the risk of any member being improperly influenced.
At the Council Meeting on 25 October, several councillors were also appointed to represent the City on committees and a board.
The Mayor and Cr Fowler will sit on the Australia Day Committee.
Crs Cecato and Oxford were appointed to both the City Centre Masterplan and Highway Bypass Integration committees.
Cr Gurminder Saro will be the City’s representative on the Audit Risk and Improvement Committee, while Cr Cecato was put forward for the Local Traffic Committee.
Council also nominated Crs Fowler, Cassell, Oxford and Judge for consideration for appointment to a position on the Coffs Coast Regional Park Trust Board.
Sports field closure arrangements