City of Coffs Harbour charts another year of growth

Published on 01 July 2024


New cycleways, a football field, and investment in pavements and roads will bring benefit for the Coffs Harbour community in the new financial year. 

At its meeting on 27 June, Council approved the Delivery Program and Operational Plan following consultation with the community, with the latter outlining works to be undertaken in 2024/25. 

“The Operational Plan is our roadmap to improve infrastructure across the local government area,” City of Coffs Harbour Mayor Paul Amos said. 

“Some of the headline projects will bring direct health and social benefit for the community by improving connectivity.” 

Capital works projects for 2024-25 include:  

  • 2.75m De Havilland Way roundabout (Hogbin Dr)  

  • $2.02m Road resealing program.  

  • $941,000 Renew Nana Glen Sportsground amenities  

  • $830,000 Park Beach Holiday Park new pool complex  

  • $1.08m New football field, car park, access road and walkways next to Toormina Velodrome 

  • $1.07m New Sandy Beach cycleway  

  • $1m West Woolgoolga pedestrian/cycleway  

  • $1m Sewer main relining  

  • $900,000 Lyons Rd, North Bonville Rd intersection and cycleway; and  

Council also determined to work with Hockey Coffs Coast to develop a funding strategy for the resurfacing of the synthetic field at the South Coffs sports precinct. 

The City will offer a loan of up to $600,000 towards the project. 

Council also adopted the 2024/25 fees and charges and agreed to keep Active Membership fees at the War Memorial aquatic centre at 2023/24 levels pending a report to Council on 25 July. 

Rates for the 2024/25 year were also set at the meeting. 

This will see an effective increase of 5.6 per cent, comprising the 4.6 per cent rate peg, plus one per cent growth factor. 

The ‘average’ residential property can expect a total rates and charges increase of approximately $178.18 per annum (or $3.43 per week). 

“This is a progressive and financially responsible plan for our award-winning regional City, ensuring the continuation of the services the community values, while also growing, improving and maintaining the City’s assets,” City of Coffs Harbour General Manager Natalia Cowley said. 

The 2024/25 budget result forecasts an operating surplus before capital revenue of $27.034 million. This would come from estimated results of a $28,000 surplus for the General Fund, $4.013m surplus for the Water Fund and $8.239m surplus for the Sewer Fund. 


Photo: City of Coffs Harbour has endorsed a slew of works projects across the local government area, including significant investment in cycleways.