Compulsory acquisition of Jetty Foreshores blocks declined

Published on 15 November 2024


The NSW Government has rejected a compulsory acquisition bid on two State-owned parcels of land at the Coffs Harbour Jetty Foreshores. 

Coffs Harbour Council had sought to acquire Lot 11 DP 843870 and Lot 10 DP 1284099 which sit broadly between the rail line and Jordan Esplanade. 

At its meeting on October 24, Council resolved that the City “should cease any further action” on compulsory acquisition of the land, and on October 28, received a letter from Local Government Minister Ron Hoenig formally rejecting the bid. 

The Minister cited three reasons for declining Council’s application for the land owned by state agency Property and Development NSW (PDNSW). 

“PDNSW, as landowner, has refused to agree to the acquisition and assessment of the Council proposal as it does not demonstrate a commitment to deliver identified governmental priorities for the region,” Mr Hoenig wrote. 

“The public interest is better served by allowing the Government's masterplan for the site to progress given that it has a history of community engagement, a clear understanding of the costs and risks involved in the development of the masterplan and a funding stream for the delivery of the parklands based on the expected development outcomes. 

“Council's proposal will not deliver the housing outcomes identified as being important for the Coffs Harbour community.” 

At its meeting on 14 November, Council resolved to note NSW Government’s decision to decline the application. 

Mayor Nikki Williams said she would actively engage with the State Government, which has widely advised it is continuing with the Jetty Foreshore Revitalisation plan. 

“The Jetty Foreshore precinct has long held the potential to be a world class waterfront destination and Council now has an adopted position on how we move forward – and that is to have a seat at the table,” Mayor Williams said. 

“No one wants the area to remain a dust bowl for our future generations.” 


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