Residents to have their say on ‘People’s Playground’ at Jetty

Published on 10 May 2024


City of Coffs Harbour (Coffs Harbour Council) will ensure the local community has its say on the future of the Jetty Foreshores, pressing for a people’s poll on the issue at this year’s council election. 

Mayor Paul Amos last night won council support for a question on the Foreshores to be put to the public at the local government election on September 14. 

“This will answer once and for all what local residents want to see happen at the Jetty Foreshores,” Cr Amos said. 

Debate on the future of the public land east of the rail line has raged for years. 

Council has resolved that the prized waterside area should remain in community hands – but as an enhanced green space with recreation facilities such as playgrounds, cafes, restaurants and performance areas. 

The State Government – which owns the land through its agency Property and Development NSW – also has designs on the area, including selling part of it to private developers for the construction of high rise and up to 450 dwellings

“That is the key significant difference between the City’s bold vision and the State’s ambition – the State Government currently wants a financial return by privatising parts of the Foreshores, we as a local Council group want to enhance the facilities, but ultimately keep the whole Foreshores for public use,” Cr Amos said. 

At its meeting on 9 May, Council backed a Mayoral Minute to take the issue to the community. 

This will see the City apply to the Electoral Commission of NSW to poll every voting member of the community on Property and Development NSW’s bid to rezone public land at the Foreshores to pave the way for private residential development. 

The estimated $70,000 cost of the poll will be funded from the Local Government draft budget 2024/25. 

City of Coffs Harbour has been trying to secure the land for the community, offering to buy it from the NSW Government late last year. This was rejected. 

The City is now seeking to retain the land for the public by way of a compulsory acquisition. 

“A poll of all residents will make it very clear to all what the community wants to see at the Jetty Foreshores,” Cr Amos said. 

Photo: Gavin Moroney.