What information can the City give me?
The Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (NSW)(GIPA Act) (which replaced the Freedom of Information Act 1989 on 1 July 2010) obliges a government agency, such as City of Coffs Harbour, to release information unless there is an overriding public interest against disclosure.
We can release information to the public in four ways:
Mandatory release
The GIPA Act requires that certain information must be made publicly available by us, this is referred to as 'open access information'.
We must include this information on our website and if this is not possible, access is provided in another way free of charge.
This information includes our policy documents, the information guide, a disclosure log, register of government contracts and other information specified by the GIPA Regulation 2018.
See details of Publicly available information
Proactive release
Council must conduct yearly reviews to consider releasing more information to the public on our website or by any other means, either free of charge or at the lowest reasonable cost.
Informal release
You can request that we provide specific information that is not publicly available nor proactively released on our website or by other means. We aim to release information without the need for a formal application. See how to Request access to information
Formal release
If your informal request is denied by us you can make a formal request. See how to Request access to information
The Information Guide is produced pursuant to Section 20 of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 ("GIPA Act").
This document describes and identifies the following:
- the structure and functions of City of Coffs Harbour (the City)
- the ways in which its functions effect members of the public
- arrangements that enable members of the public to participate in the formulation of the City's policy development and the exercise of its functions
- the various kinds of information held by theCity
- the kinds of information the City makes, or will make, publicly available
- the kinds of information that are, or will be, made publicly available free of charge and those kinds of information for which a charge is, or will be, imposed.
GIPA Information Guide(PDF, 567KB)
City of Coffs Harbour (the City)collects personal information of property owners for the stated purpose of issuing Rates and Charges pursuant to the Local Government Act, 1993.
In addition property owners are advised via their rate notice that their personal information may be used by officers and agents of the City and other Government Agencies as required by law.
As the City's Rates Register is not a public register - property ownership information (including postal addresses) in most circumstances can't be released.
The exception is on reasonable grounds that the disclosure is necessary to prevent or lessen a serious and imminent threat to the life or health of the individual concerned or another person.
In this instance, the City's Public Officer is responsible for making these decisions and can be contacted on (02) 6648 4000.
The City of Coffs Harbour (the City) uses a development application tracking system (DA Tracker) which the public can access to review development applications and check on their progress. The system does not provide access nor have the ability to allow the public to view supporting documents, for example application, plans, approval/consent etc.
You can search for recent development applications on DA Tracker and register to receive email or SMS alerts for DAs in your area by registering for planning alerts.
The following information relating to development applications is also prescribed as open access according to Schedule 1 of the Government Information (Public Access) Regulation GIPA Regulation:
- home warranty insurance
- construction certificates
- occupation certificates
- structural certification documents
- town planner reports
- submissions received on development applications
- heritage consultant reports
- tree inspection consultant reports
- acoustics consultant reports
- land contamination consultant reports
- records of decisions made on development applications (including decisions made on appeal)
The GIPA Regulation provides for the following exceptions to these open access information requirements:
- The plans and specifications for any residential parts of a proposed building other than plans merely showing its height and external configuration (however, the City will informally release the residential floor plans where the written consent of the property owner is provided)
- Commercial information, if the information would prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied it or reveal a trade secret.
If the information you are searching for is not on our website, you can pursue it by making a Request to access information
Further information and any technical enquiries relating to current development applications can also be obtained by contacting the assessing officer handling the matter.