What information can the City give me?

The Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (NSW)(GIPA Act) (which replaced the Freedom of Information Act 1989 on 1 July 2010) obliges a government agency, such as City of Coffs Harbour, to release information unless there is an overriding public interest against disclosure.

We can release information to the public in four ways: 

Mandatory release

The GIPA Act requires that certain information must be made publicly available by us, this is referred to as 'open access information'.

We must include this information on our website and if this is not possible, access is provided in another way free of charge.

This information includes our policy documents, the information guide, a disclosure log, register of government contracts and other information specified by the GIPA Regulation 2018.

See details of Publicly available information

Proactive release

Council must conduct yearly reviews to consider releasing more information to the public on our website or by any other means, either free of charge or at the lowest reasonable cost.

Informal release

You can request that we provide specific information that is not publicly available nor proactively released on our website or by other means. We aim to release information without the need for a formal application. See how to Request access to information

Formal release

If your informal request is denied by us you can make a formal request. See how to Request access to information