Hogbin Drive and De Havilland Way Intersection Upgrade The City of Coffs Harbour is committed to improving road safety and traffic flow within our community. Construction for a new roundabout at the intersection of De Havilland Way and Hogbin Drive will commence shortly and is expected to be completed by June 2025.
Lowanna Multi-purpose court We are excited to announce that a new multi-purpose will be constructed for Lowanna.
Korora Lagoons Mechanical Weed Removal Works The City is conducting planned aquatic weed removal from Korora Lagoons.
Pitt Street Multicourt and Activity Space Upgrades In the near future we are planning to deliver a multi-court. chinlone/badmiton courtmulti-court/volleyball court including an outdoor activity space. park benches and picnic table shaded tree planting drainage improvements
North Boambee Valley West Bridge and Road Raising Project We are raising the level of North Boambee Road and bridge above the one in 100 year flood level. This will enable further housing supply for the area.
Emerald Beach Reserve Upgrade We are excited to announce that Emerald Beach Reserve will be upgraded.