Exhibition of Coffs Harbour DCP 2015 Amendment No. 39 South

On exhibition until 15 August 2024, 05:00 PM


Council at its Meeting of 11 July 2024, resolved to publicly exhibit draft amendments to Coffs Harbour Development Control Plan (DCP) 2015 and draft South Coffs Contributions Plan to facilitate positive environmental, transport and residential development outcomes for the South Coffs urban release area.

The objective and intended outcome of the draft Development Control Plan amendment is to update planning controls within Part G Special Area Controls – G11 South Coffs. The proposed changes align with the Coffs Harbour Public Realm Strategy and Coffs Harbour Movement and Place Strategy.

In accordance with Council’s resolution, the draft DCP amendment and draft Contributions Plan are now publicly available for community consultation.

The exhibition period is from Friday, 19 July 2024 to close of business on Thursday, 15 August 2024. The draft DCP amendment and draft Contributions Plan can be viewed online on City’s Have Your Say Page: www.haveyoursay.coffsharbour.nsw.gov.au where online submissions can be made. Written submissions can also be made to the General Manager, City of Coffs Harbour, Locked Bag 155, Coffs Harbour 2450, or emailed to coffs.council@chcc.nsw.gov.au.

The City is committed to openness and transparency in its decision making processes. The Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 requires the City to provide public access to information held unless there are overriding public interest considerations against disclosure. Any submissions received will be made publicly available unless the writer can demonstrate that the release of part or all of the information would not be in the public interest. However, the City would be obliged to release information as required by court order or other specific law.

Written submissions must be accompanied, where relevant, by a “Disclosure Statement of Political Donations and Gifts” in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government and Planning Legislation Amendment (Political Donations) Act 2008 No. 44. Disclosure forms are available from the City’s Customer Service Section or on the City’s website www.coffsharbour.nsw.gov.au/disclosurestatement.

For enquiries please contact the City’s Local Planning Section on 6648 4000 or coffs.council@chcc.nsw.gov.au


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