City of Coffs Harbour's Technical specification

The City’s Technical Specification for Infrastructure Design provides design requirements for new infrastructure either designed on behalf of or to be gifted to the City to provide clarity to the development industry of what is required by the City and to ensure consistency in design. The specification also provides details for infrastructure on private land.  Developers and consultants should familiarise themselves and ensure compliance with this document to ensure that engineering plan submissions can be processed efficiently in relation to reviewing design submissions, issuing Construction Certificates, Subdivision Works Certificates, Occupation Certificates and the release of Subdivision Certificates. 

Click on the following link to access this document: Technical Specification for Infrastructure Design(PDF, 3MB)

Departures from the Technical Specifications 

Annexure B of Part 1 of the Technical Specification for Infrastructure Design includes a design departure application form. This form can be used, typically in exceptional circumstances, to request a departure from the requirements of the technical specification and requires the developer or consultant to justify the need for the departure. The design departure application form can be accessed at the following link: Design departure application form(DOCX, 130KB)

Design Certification

Annexure A of Part 1 of the Technical specification for Infrastructure Design includes a design certification form to be completed by the designer top certify their design. The design certification form can be accessed at the following link: Design certification form(DOCX, 114KB)

Approved product list

The city has provided a list of approved products that may be used without further approval. This document can be accessed at the following link: Approved Product list(PDF, 107KB)

Any questions or feedback can be directed to the Section Lead Asset Services at