External committees

Our Councillors are members of these committees that are managed by external agencies.


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Coffs Coast Regional Park protects 27 kilometres of coastal strip north of Coffs Harbour. It stretches from Macauleys Headland in the south to Corindi Beach in the north. The Park provides important recreation areas, walking tracks and beach access for the community and visitors to the region. 

Coffs Coast Regional Park Trust Board is responsible for the care, control and management of the Park. The implementation of park management is shared between the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service and the City of Coffs Harbour, on behalf of the Board.  

The Plan of Management Coffs Coast Regional Park 2021(PDF, 2MB) outlines the management principles, natural and cultural heritage values, and appropriate public use of the Park.

The Memorandum of Understanding 2019(PDF, 1MB) sets out the responsibilities of the City of Coffs Harbour for asset maintenance and National Parks and Wildlife for environmental protection.   For a reader friendly version please see the Memorandum of Understanding 2019 outline(PDF, 5MB).

About the Board

The Coffs Coast Regional Park Trust Board facilitates the cooperative management of the Coffs Coast Regional Park. The Trust Board is formed under the provisions of s47T of the NPWS Act 1974. It is responsible for the care, control and management of the Park. The Board is subject to the control and direction of the Director-General. 

The role of the Trust Board is to oversee and approve at a strategic level the Plan of Management, the Annual Operations Budget, community input and Park policy.

Board members

Rod McKelvey (community), Grahame Douglas (community), Yvette Pacey (Aboriginal community), Vacant (Aboriginal community), Councillor - George Cecato  (City of Coffs Harbour), Councillor - Vacant (City of Coffs Harbour) and Glenn Storrie (NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service).

Board meetings

The Board meets quarterly in February, May, July and November.

Minutes are published here once approved at the following meeting.

See below minutes of the Board's previous meetings:


Contact the Board

Email: admin@coffscoastregionalpark.nsw.gov.au

Park Management and Policies

Vegetation Vandalism Policy(PDF, 442KB)

Memorial Policy guides the management of memorials within the park. Any unauthorised memorials may be managed according to the below procedure:

  1. Place a 'notice of removal' on the structure/memorial advising that the person(s) contact the City to discuss removal
  2. Make all attempts to locate/contact the person(s) who installed the memorial
  3. Remove the memorial after a calendar month of erecting the 'notice of removal'
  4. The City will not be liable for any damages associated with unauthorised memorials and their removal
  5. All removed memorials will be retained for collection

COFFS-COAST-REGIONAL-PARK-CCRP-–-Temporary-Adjacent-Works-Access-Policy.pdf(PDF, 162KB)

Get involved

To explore the Park, use our mapping tool, see our information on the Solitary Islands Coastal Walk or visit the Coffs Coast Regional Park on the NPWS website

You can help care for the Park by volunteering with Landcare sites and working bees

You can stay up to date with upgrades in the Park by visiting the Coffs Harbour Have Your Say website

If you live next to the Park, see how to be a Bush Friendly Neighbour(PDF, 442KB)

coffs coast regional park map

The NSW Government established the Coffs Harbour Bypass Project Community Consultative Committee in 2019. The purpose of this Committee is to assist in progressing the bypass of Coffs Harbour. The Coffs Harbour Bypass Project Community Consultative Committee provides a forum for discussion between the proponent and community representatives and Council on project related issues.

The Director Sustainable Infrastructure is currently attending the Committee meetings on behalf of Council.

More information regarding this project is available on the NSW Government's Coffs Harbour Bypass webpage. The Committee's meeting minutes are available on the Community Consultative Committee webpage.


The NSW Government established the Coffs Harbour Jetty Project Steering Advisory Committee in 2020. The purpose of the Coffs Harbour Jetty Project Steering Advisory Committee is to assist the NSW Government to develop a master plan for the Coffs Jetty precinct. The Coffs Harbour Jetty Project Steering Advisory Committee provides a forum for ongoing community involvement and representation in the Coffs Jetty Revitalisation master planning process.

Councillors appointed to this committee are Councillor Paul Amos (mayor) and Councillor - Vacant.

More information regarding this project and the steering committee (including members and meeting minutes) is available on the NSW Government's Coffs Jetty Revitalisation webpage.


The NSW Government has committed to creating a Great Koala National Park on the mid north coast. The 2023–24 State Budget committed $80 million in funding over 4 years to support the development of the park.

The NSW Government established the Great Koala National Park Community Advisory Panel to provide input to the assessment process and creation of the park. This panel, which represent the views of the community, will give feedback on the process of assessing land for inclusion in the national park.

This panel will meet regularly throughout the assessment process. 

The Councillor appointed to this committee is Councillor Cassell with Councillor Judge as the alternative (14/11/2024 res No. 2024/212).

For more information, refer to the the NSW Governments - Great Koala National Park webpage.

The NSW Public Libraries Association represents the interests of public libraries and their councils across NSW.  Coffs Harbour City Council has been a member of the NSW Public Libraries Association since it formed in July 2014. 

Councillor Tony Judge (12/12/2024 Res. 2024/255) was appointed as the Councillor representative on this board.

The NSW Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) Fisheries established the Solitary Islands Marine Park Advisory Committee.

Solitary Islands Marine Park Advisory Committee provides an important voice for local communities and key stakeholders in the management of NSW marine parks and the broader marine estate. The Councillor Jonathan Cassell (12/12/2024, Res. 2024/255) has been appointed to attend Solitary Islands Marine Park Advisory Committee meetings.

More information is available at the NSW Government's Solitary Islands marine park advisory committee Webpage.

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