Hogbin Drive and De Havilland Way Intersection Upgrade

  • Project typeConstruction of a new roundabout
  • Project value$2.39 million
  • Project stageWorks planned September 2024
  • Completion Date30 June 2025

The City of Coffs Harbour is committed to improving road safety and traffic flow within our community.
Construction for a new roundabout at the intersection of De Havilland Way and Hogbin Drive will commence shortly and is expected to be completed by June 2025.  

Hogbin Drive is one of Coffs Harbour's main arterial roads, and the De Havilland Way intersection is currently the primary vehicular access to Airport Enterprise Park. The overall aim of the new roundabout is to facilitate easier and safer access into and out of the Airport Enterprise Park.  

Temporary Road Closure and Detour Route 

To facilitate the construction of the new roundabout, De Havilland Way off Hogbin Drive will be temporarily closed for the duration of the project.  

All traffic that would normally turn into or out of De Havilland Way will need to follow the detour route and access or exit the Airport Enterprise Park via Dakota Drive.   

The existing cyclist path will have a detour around the construction works to allow cyclists to continue to use the off-road path throughout the duration of the project. 

Hogbin Drive will remain open during construction of the roundabout, however within the extent of the works zone, from Howard St to Dakota Drive, traffic will be reduced to one lane in each direction. 

Signage will be installed to guide motorists along the detour route and ensure minimal disruption. We kindly ask all road users to follow the posted signs and directions of traffic controllers, where implemented, for the duration of the works.  

We acknowledge the disruption this construction will have on residents and businesses and make a commitment to completing the works as effectively as possible. 


The project is being delivered by the City of Coffs Harbour with approved Australian Government funding of $2.39 million and Council contributing $530,000.
Coastal Works has been appointed as delivery partner.

The project will deliver a better-connected road network along Hogbin Drive and to the Airport Enterprise Park.


The proposed works include

  • Construction of a dual lane concrete roundabout at the intersection of Hogbin Drive and De Havilland Way 

  • Improved street lighting at the intersection 

  • Upgraded stormwater infrastructure 

  • Shared path with pedestrian refuge crossing De Havilland Way 

  • Landscaping for the extent of works 


What are the project benefits?

  • Improved access and safety for vehicles accessing the Airport Enterprise Park 

  • Increased pavement design life for long term benefits in maintenance and durability 

  • Part of the City’s commitment to long term future transport planning. 


Changed traffic conditions

Hobgin Drive will remain open throughout construction with changed traffic conditions including:  

  • Within the extent of the works zone, from Howard St to Dakota Drive, traffic will be reduced to one lane in each direction.  

  • Reduced speed limit through the construction site.  

Please allow more travel time during these works and drive to conditions and speed limits. 

Construction will be staged to safely construct the works in close proximity to live traffic. 

We know that detours put additional pressure along Hogbin Drive and inconveniences motorists accessing the Airport Enterprise Park. The safety of pedestrians, wildlife and drivers is a joint responsibility. We will install signage to monitor detour routes. We ask that motorists drive to conditions and speed limits. 

Stage of Works

The works will be staged in 3 main stages, these consist of an enabling stage, the western alignment stage and the completion of the eastern alignment stage.

Stage 1 – Enabling Works 

Temporary pavement will be installed on the eastern alignment of Hogbin Drive to facilitate geometric alignment changes to safely complete the works in Stage 2.  

Stage 2 – Western Alignment and Eastern Drainage 

The western alignment of the proposed roundabout will be completed whilst traffic is maintained on the eastern lanes of Hogbin Drive.  Additionally, drainage will be actively installed along De Havilland Way to allow transition of pedestrian pathways in Stage 3. 

Stage 3 – Eastern Alignment 

The eastern alignment of the proposed roundabout will be completed whilst traffic is maintained on the newly completed western alignment of Hogbin Drive. This will also complete the finalisation of drainage requirements and pedestrian pathways. 

Have environmental impacts been taken into consideration?

The project is adjacent to Coastal Wetlands environment and the design limits the impact on this vegetation. A Part 5 Review of Environmental Factors Report has been completed for the project in accordance with the EP&A Act. This report has assessed the environmental impact of the project including the need for control measures to be implemented to reduce the risk of environmental harm. There should be no significant impact to the environment due to the project works. 

How do I stay informed?

Please check the project webpage for regular updates.
During construction, we will work with the contractor and use a variety of communication tools to keep the community updated on changes to traffic conditions.





De Havilland Way, Coffs Harbour 2450  View Map

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